
Dear Daddy- The Gift of Time (April 2012)
Dear Daddy,
Thank you for being my daddy.....
I am the luckiest girl in the world because God gifted with you as my daddy... we have been thru the highs and the lows, but you always took the burdens on your shoulders...We were blessed to have the time to share as we traveled thru your final days....Your Guardian angels that were surrounding you were sharing with you....that I saw you crossing back inforth...Isn’t it divine? The deep unconditional understanding and pure love that we had for one another holds LARGE space in my soul.......The last time you came home from the hospital, and you stop...and extended your arms out to everyone to accept a hug.....I saw Jesus living in you....the meek and soft spiritual way....was a moment that is etched in my mind....but one of the most poignant moments, was as you shifted your eyes and connected with mine...and said come.....never lifting your weak hands and stretching for were telling me I am leaving.... and when you were in CCU....and we were by our self, our hearts were saying goodbye...and speaking to each other in another sphere.... and on Saturday...when we were looking into each others were not there anymore already crossed over.....The gift that we were given was the crossing over into Heaven on Easter morning....You were carried with Jesus...It was time to rejoice and to celebrate you finding peace and freedom from the earth bound difficulties that you were struggling from.... As your loving family was surrounding your body....we all felt your spirit...and saw a radiating glow that shines around you human body.... you had a smile on your face which was saying thank you for coming together for me and releasing me together....we honored and loved you so much that we needed to listen to your desires and be your family...this was the most important thing in your life ....the well being and happiness of you ....You were our Peacemaker...let there be Peace on earth....and let it begin with me.
As we prayed over your body and you were present..we noticed that all the strain and bruise that had inflicted your body had all disappeared...It represented what Jesus had endured carrying the cross.....and when HE rose up to heaven...HE was cured of all the wounds..... I will miss you daddy...i do miss you... ...yes, I had others who entered my life that are my guardian angels...i know that GOD always protects me....always takes care of me....but I know that we need to be grateful for the gift of time ....All the memories that you have created and all of the life lesson, all of the father daughter talks..I always would my daddy handle it?
its funny because now I know why I had to go thru the last 3 prepare me for the next phase in my life...i needed to grow up..,,be prepared for life without was a hard time for me....i always just enjoyed being in your presence... listening to your words of a man who never thought about himself and who gave without ever any expectation of receiving anything in walked in Jesus footsteps and so HE carried you Home......We have a special day coming....I have always celebrating Mothers Day with you....because as I was growing up you were bother mother and father to us....I always carry that deep in my heart.....Happy Mother’s day Daddy.....The tears that are rolling down my face are tear of emotions...unconditional love....but I know that we will begin a new....time to find the space and the time to share in this new phase....I hear you talking to me...I am open to listening....and yes, I always exspressed to you that I would do anything for you....and I hear you.... I will help her thru this transition... because you asked me and it’s the right thing to do.....
Daddy, guide me and help me to do what my purpose is.....I know that you have more powers where you are...then when you were on can see the inner desire that I have to share to a million at a time.....what ever your desire is Lord.......
I will get thru this phase in my life and prosper......
I am giving myself the time and the space to find my way.....I see where I am going...just want to enjoy the journey and make my own footprints while you guide me....
Thank you......for always being my daddy....good night!